Reports reaching our desk indicate that an American citizen identified as Guy Milton Smith, was kidnapped in wee hours of Sunday by unidentified people riding in three vehicles – a Drone and two other unmarked cars in Fort Portal, Western Ugandan.
The American Embassy in Kampala has been notified on Monday afternoon.
Reports further suggest that Mr Smith’s wife notified friends at 3:30 am that her husband was being picked by people holdings guns.
His crime remains unknown.
“They were armed and took his phone and computer. His name is Guy Smith. Evidently they came in three unmarked cars. He’s from Kentucky, USA. 63 years old,” reports suggest.
Smith is recovering from eye surgery in Mbarara last week, he has been living in Uganda for over 20 years.
He retired as a maintenance manager of a couple of lodges some years back and has lived in Fort Portal with his wife and children for the past two years.
“The US Embassy and police in Fort Portal have been informed. There has been no word of his whereabouts since he was taken,” reports say.
Police in Fort Portal told Smith’s wife that he is safe hands.
Police authorities in Kampala were unaware when contacted.
This is s developing story..