President Museveni this afternoon while addressing the nation said concerted efforts were being worked upon to end corruption which he termed as a disease to development.
“I cannot fail to talk about mercenaryism of the public officials and corruption of some of them. The mercenarism interferes with the patriotic attitude of the freedom fighters. People expect money for every little task. We could not have liberated this country if we did not have a high degree of altruism. This attitude of altruism must come back. As for the corrupt officials, I would like to inform the public that their only element of security is the acquiescence of the public by not reporting these criminals”.Museveni said.
The president also appointed man team that would be the focal point for reporting corrupt public officials
“Report any corruption you come across to this unit. It will comprise of Mr. James Tweheyo, Ms. Martha Asiimwe and Sister Akiror. They will give out their telephone numbers. What happened to the IGG? Why don’t the victims of corruption report those incidents to the office of the IGG? That was the purpose of that office; to protect the public from corrupt officials; to protect the investors against corrupt officials. The IGG should reflect on this. Are her staff credible? Why does the public not trust that institution? We need answers”. The President concluded