Corruption file on Ministry of Works’ officials ‘Evaporates’ from Museveni desk

PHOTO MONTAGE: Amanyire and his nemesis Katushabe

A highly sensitive file containing a litany of allegations backed with evidence on the ongoing corruption dealings by Ministry of Works top officials has seemingly vanished into thin air from the inner sanctum of the President’s office.

The peculiar disappearance of over 200 page dossier has left the whistleblower in a state of bewilderment and sparking fervent speculation about what truly transpired behind closed doors.

For a long time, the two powerful officials in the Ministry of Works, Winston Katushabe the Commissioner for Transport Regulation and Safety, and Ronald Amanyire the Principal Road Safety Officer have exchanged accusations and counter-accusations of corruption, with both penning damning dossiers against each other on their alleged dealings in the ministry.

This investigative website has learned that Ronald Amanyire took an extra step and compiled a detailed file and sent it to investigative bodies of government including the Inspectorate of Government, Police, Internal Security Organization (ISO), and also sent a copy to the President Museveni’s office.

Startlingly, the dossier brimming with incriminating evidence central to a sprawling corruption investigation, was conspicuously absent from the desk when officials attempted to access it and forward it to the President for perusal.

“All I can say is, the file evaporated. How else can can you describe that a file which has no legs walked itself out of the office?” a high-ranking official who asked not to be named said.

The ongoing probe is poised to unveil a web of alleged misconduct, entangling influential government figures and prominent individuals who have a hand in the graft at the Ministry.

“We have launched an inquiry into the file’s disappearance to examine who could have removed it from the office,” an official added.

Katushabe and Amanyire have in the recent past exposed their dark secrets.

Katushabe asked Amanyire to resign citing a string of offenses, including failing to submit essential reports, mismanaging procurement, undermining the chain of command, and allegedly, displaying arrogance and malice in communication.

“The litany of weakness, grave incompetence, arrogance, illegalities, and criminal activities plus the string of improprieties afflicting you are such that you are totally unsuitable for a senior position in the Department. You simply can no longer be entrusted with any responsibility. Your character cannot be trusted at all,” Katushabe’s letter dated June 16 reads.

The front page of the damning dossier on Katushabe which disappeared from Museveni’s office

Amanyire responded by accusing Katushabe of orchestrating a corrupt contract award to Face Technologies, leading to a financial loss of at least UGX4Bn in one go.

He alleges that the contract, titled “Archiving of Uganda Driving Permit Project Records Phase 2, Archiving of Motor Vehicle Registration Records at URA, Remodeling of the Uganda Railway Main Station and Uganda Revenue Authority Warehouse for Motor Vehicle Records Kampala,” was deliberately arranged to embezzle public funds.

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