Anti-Gay Law: Speaker Among’s U.S visa Cancelled 

Speaker Anita Among

The Speaker of Parliament of Uganda Rt Hon Anita Among has received an email from the American Embassy revoking her visa. 

The development comes Monday after the Speaker issued a statement announcing that President Yoweri Museveni had assented to the Anti-Homosexuality bill which is now a law.

“His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Uganda, General Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, has executed his constitutional mandate as prescribed by Article 91 (3) (a) of the Constitution. He has  assented to the Anti-Homosexuality Act,” Hon Among said.

If found guilty for engaging in the acts of homosexuality, the penalty is 20 years imprisonment.

The law also calls for penalties up to life in prison and even the death sentence for what is described as “aggravated homosexuality.”

The MPs defined aggravated homosexuality as recruitment of minors and engaging them into the act.

“As the Parliament of Uganda, we have answered the cries of our people. We have legislated to protect the sanctity of family as per Article 31 of the Constitution Uganda. We have stood strong to defend our culture and aspirations of our people as per objectives 19 & 24 of national objectives and directive principles of state policy,” the Speaker added.

Addressing the media on Monday afternoon, the mover of the bill Hon Asuman Basalirwa said those at the forefront of the pushing the bill had already been victims of the threats by the Western Countries particularly America and England.

“Visas have been cancelled. But I don’t know why they are picking out a few. Cancel all visas of all MPs save for two. Infact cancel visas for all Ugandans,” Basalirwa said.

Earlier, in March the U.S government warned that the proposed bill outlawing gays would threaten aid to Uganda.

Speaker Among, President Yoweri Museveni and many other government officials vowed never to trade the country’s values for money/aid.

“Yes she received the email cancelling her American visa,” an official at Parliament said.

Speaker Among has been at the vanguard of fighting homosexuality. She invited religious leaders to attend Parliamentary sessions to witness the passing of the bill.

The Speaker was unavailable for a comment when reached. No official in her office was willing to comment.

Equally there was no comment from the American embassy. An official we spoke to on phone said the embassy was closed and advised us to call again on Tuesday.

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