NUP MP Kagabo: What is Wrong with Meeting Gen Muhoozi

MP Twaha Kagabo meeting Muhoozi

Bukoto South Legislator Dr. Twaha Kagabo criticizes his political party for curtailing its members from meeting prominent government officials.

Kagabo a member of National Unity Platform (NUP) denounces the party leadership particularly its extremism approach saying he is unwilling to return on the same ticket come 2026.

“In 2026 I will stand as Independent candidate.” 

Kagabo revealed to journalists that the party leadership has already fronted its choice of candidates on all incumbent NUP lawmakers.

“Each NUP MP has around 10 people who are eying the position. How else are you supposed to perform for your people when you are under pressure?” Kagabo said.

The MP shot to limelight when he returned shs 40 million he claimed to have picked from the Speaker’s office as a bribe to pass the supplementary budget of UGX 680 billion towards the end of the last Financial Year, 2021/2022.

Unable to justify the bribe allegations, Kagabo would be reprimanded and later asked forgiveness from the Speaker.

Since then his relationship with the party leadership developed hiccups.

Speaking with no remorse, Kagabo said NUP is nurturing radicals politicians and practices politics of hate-speech which some of the MPs don’t subscribe to.

“Some of can’t abuse, we just want to work for our people,” he said.

In 2026, Kagabo revealed that if he is still alive, he will return as an independent candidate.

On meeting Gen Muhoozi, Kagabo asked: “What is wrong with meeting Muhoozi, isn’t he a Ugandan like any of us?” 

“Kagabo, I have grown up from the village, why would I not meet Muhoozi if I got a chance?”

Last month Kagabo met Gen Muhoozi in Kasambya during a fundraising campaign for women and youth development groups, fuelling reports that he has joined the Muhoozi group.


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