Mengo: Kabaka has no Twins

Kabaka Ronald Mutebi

Buganda Kingdom has come out to refute reports that King Ronald Muwenda Mutebi has twins.

In a document released by the Kingdom, the palace officials said the only King who has fathered known twins is Daudi Chwa in 1925.

The duo was named Kalemera (Wasswa) and Kiggala (Kato).

The document which debunks the queen’s revelations further states that in the event that the current King had twins, he would have performed certain rituals as the culture portends.

Contrary to queen Sylvia Nagginda, she mentions of the set of twins who got in 2010 in her book.

On Page 205 of the autobiography, Nagginda writes, “On December 6, 2010, I was blessed with two more girls Jade Nakato and Jasmine Babirye born in Kampala… They’re two amazing kids who are mostly happy and are passionate about people which, at their age, I find astounding…”

The children are mentioned more than once in the book by the Queen with references to them as, “my daughters, Ssanga, Jade and Jasmine.”

“Until now, this is possibly one of the country’s most tightly guarded secrets. Even more surprising is that the children were born and bred right in Kampala under what would have been the watchful glare of the paparazzi but the Buganda Kingdom’s royal establishment, as it has been known to do in the past, kept this closely to their chests until the recent revelations in the Queen’s own narration in the upcoming autobiography,” writes Daily Monitor which published the story about the twins.

Kabaka’s biological children

TrumpetNews has since learnt from palace officials that the twins the queens talks about are fostered.

Mengo further clarifies that Kabaka or his wives are allowed to adopt children within the palace if the King consents.

This website understands that the children Naabagereka refers to as twins are not, “they are not twins. they are were adopted and are almost same age,” said an official.

They study from Kampala Parents School.

Kabaka Mutebi has only five biological children and hundreds whom he looks after.

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