King Charles Lambert announces Pan African Job Centre to create 300 million jobs for Africa youths

The creator of the new economic system, a wonderful investment opportunity- Compassionate Capitalism, King Charles N Lambert- has announced the creation of the Pan African Job Centre, a program that will help curb unemployment in Africa by creating over 300 million jobs for African youths across the continent.

King Charles N Lambert- nicknamed The African Oracle- announced that these jobs will be created through the 28 points of the new economic system, Compassionate Capitalism, he founded.
Acknowledging that Africa’s biggest challenge and problem is unemployment, King Lambert hopes this new innovation, The Pan African Job Centre will process African youths into jobs in the 28 sectors after getting certificates following an intense training program.

“The job centre is already implemented on the platform online, and will soon be implemented physically offline with actual physical setup across various African countries,” King Lambert announced.

He added that this development will aid in building industries to help control production.
King Lambert declared: “It’s not secret that we are the richest continent in the world.”

All this, King Lambert added, will be made possible by working with Indians to help bring the over 300 million youths into the job ranks with in the Compassionate Capitalism 28 sectors.
Earlier, King Lambert had announced a partnership called The India/Africa Technology Pact.
This pact will see the Black Wall Street employ one million Indians that will work towards improving Africans.

“It’s no secret that Indians have the best work ethics in the world. They are the best customer service people, platform workers, and will introduce innovative solutions that will change every sector in the Compassionate Capitalism ranks,” King Lambert announced.

It’s a bottom up consumer solutions, he added.
This is all aimed at empowering Africans and eliminating European capitalism which has set Africa behind.
This is to achieve African Capitalism Independence by providing investment opportunities within the 28 sectors.

Black Wall Street (BWS) is leveraging on Capital as a factor of production.
“Investment is the vaccine for poverty,” King Lambert declared.

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