Gen. Dick takes over Operation Shujaa Command

Presided over by CDF Gen Wilson Mbasu Mbadi, in the presence of Maj Gen Bombelle Ehola Camille of FARDC (Congo’s Army), Maj Gen Julius Takirwa the 2Division Commander, Brigade Commanders, Component commanders and Civil Authorities in Fortportal city, Maj Gen Dick Olum today 15 December 2022 took over command of Mountain Division and operation Shujja.

The CDF urged Gen Dick Olum to follow the spirit of revolutionary methods of work, promote working relationship with FARDC, enhance cooperation with our strategic partners the population and civil authorities in order to carry out Mountain Division mandate of pacifying Rwenzori region through elimination of ADF and other negative elements especially in Eastern DRC.

Gen Mbadi congratulated Lt Gen Kayanja Muhanga for cordial relations exhibited between the two friendly forces of FARDC and UPDF and neutralizing ADF in Eastern DRC.

Meanwhile, Maj Gen Dick Olum called for team work to all officers and men of Mountain Division and local authorities in order to consolidate the prevailing peace and elimination of negative forces within the region especially those in eastern DRC

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