The Rotary Club of Bukoto hosted last evening hosted all Rotarians and friends to a home coming dinner for Hon. Mike Kennedy Sebalu, their former past President who is now the District Governor Elect of Rotary District 9213. This means the inspirational Mike Sebalu will be Governor effective 1st July 2022 where he will be serving with Rotary President Jennifer Jones , the first woman Rotary International President.
The theme of the Rotary Year 2023/23 is “Imagine Rotary’ as an inspiration to charitable nature of Rotarians. Rotarian Sebalu will be serving after a successful rotary year led by District Governor John Magezi Ndamira who has registered incredible achievements including promoting Maternal and Child Health.
Hon. Sebalu will be the first District Governor from the Rotary Club of Bukoto since his club was formed 19 years ago, giving reason to members of the Rotary Club of Bukoto to hold a big celebration, as a home coming gesture for their own. The ceremony was attended by over 200 Rotarians and friends including all Past District Governors ,Nominees and the Designates . The Governors took time to offer leadership tips and words of wisdom to the incoming Governor.

About Governor Mike Kennedy Sebalu
District Governor Elect Mike Sebalu is a reknown former politician. He is an East African of Ugandan origin. He is member of the Rotary Club of Bukoto where he served in various capacities including being President in 2012. Beyond the club he served in the following capacities among others he served in the following capacities among others
* AG Zone 8
* District Chair Public Relations x 2
* District Chair TRF x2
* District Vice Chair in charge of mobilization for the 94th DCA, Twende Dar-es-Salaam
* Chair 3rd Cancer Run
* District Treasurer
* Member Advisory Board – Makerere Rotary Peace Center
* Director- Rotary Uganda
* A member of different organizing committees for RI Presidents since 2011
* Aide to RI President Shekhar Mehta on his recent visit to Uganda.
* He is now the DGE

Hon. Sebalu is a strong supporter and contributor to the Rotary Foundation. In that regard he is a Major Donor level 2, a member of the Bequest Society, a Paul Harris Society member and a Benefactor to the Rotary Foundations
He is a leader with a knowledge base that is informed by good education, experience, exposure and expertise. He holds a bachelor of Arts degree , a master of international relations and diplomatic studies and a Doctorate of Business administration.
He has previously served as a Constituent Assembly Delegate that enacted and promulgated the 1994 Uganda constitution. He was a member of the 7th Parliament of Uganda.
He was awarded with a Golden Jubilee Medal in 2012 as Uganda celebrated 50 years of independence.
He served in inaugural Pan African Parliament based in South Africa
He served for two terms at the East African Legislative Assembly based in Arusha Tanzania.
He was a member of the EALA Commission which is the administrative organ of the Assembly.
He was a member of the eminent persons of the African Peers Reveiw Commission
He was a member of the EAC First tracking committee.
He is the Executive Chairman of A- Group of companies.
He is the chairperson of St Lawrence University.
He Chairs and serves on a number of governing boards of both government and corporate institutions at national, regional and continental level.
He is a family man married to PP Maggie Sebalu of RC Natete with whom they served as Presidents of their respective clubs in the same year. Together, they are blessed with 4 biological children including a set of twin girls. He is a God fearing person and also a patriotic law abiding citizen of Uganda.