The people of Kabale District have vowed to push out the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Darius Nandinda for orchestrating brutality against the local people while enforcing Covid-19 measures.
The RDC, according to members of the public uses armed security forces to unleash ‘terror’ on civilians for defying lockdown.
For example, a health worker of Kabale Regional Hospital was Sunday night clobbered to pulp by three UPDF soldiers who jumped off the RDC’s official vehicle registration number UG 3314C.
Mohammad Byaruhanga who is bedridden said he was returning home in the evening when the soldiers descended on him with batons on the orders of a man who was seated in the passenger seat.
The incident follows many other scenarios in which the RDC has directly been involved.

Last year, his bodyguard shot and injured a resident of of Nyakihita village in Kitanga parish Buhara sub county, Venansio Byaruhanga, 52, for disrupting an NRM meeting.
Against that backdrop the angry residents have launched a campaign “no more blood shed. Kabale we deserve better.”
The theme of the campaign is “Anti- Darius Nandinda Revolution.” The residents have circulated posters on social media reminding the “arrogant” RDC that Kabale belongs to them and therefore he must go.
RDCs oversee security in all districts in Uganda and are appointed and answerable to the President.

Contacted for a comment Mr Nandinda was not available but had earlier he told sections of the media that those claiming to have been beaten by his security are “hooligans.”