Gen. Lokech: I have a list of Certified journalists to Cover Elections

Maj Gen Lokech has issued a communication on Tuesday.

The newly appointed deputy police chief Maj. Gen. Paul Lokech has said that journalists who are not certified by the relevant authorities will not be allowed to cover the remaining part of the electoral process which involves polling.

Lokech has Wednesday issued a communication to that effect.


We wish to notify the public that with effect from the 31.12.2020, the police and sister security agencies shall recognize ONLY journalists and media practitioners who are accredited by the Media Council, during the coverage of political campaigns and other electoral events.

The accreditation process that has been open to all media practitioners expires on the 31.12.2020. As we had indicated in our communication of 14.12.2020, the accreditation will help us distinguish journalists who are compliant from those who are holding out.

The Media Council has generated a list of all journalists who have been accredited, registered and are compliant with valid Media Council press badges, which shall operate as a working tool by the bonafide journalists.

All the accredited journalists and media practitioners, must visibly wear their press badges at all times, while covering the political campaigns and electoral events. They should also know that the media press badges are personalized and therefore, non-transferable.

We would like to further remind all accredited journalists that our zonal and territorial commanders have been availed the list of all successfully accredited journalists for ease of verification.  This arrangement will help us accord journalists better protection over the remaining electoral process.

All journalists who are subjected to any form of physical abuse and other forms of harassment in the course of their duties are reminded to report their cases to the Media Crimes Department at CID headquarters. The Commissioner, Media Crimes Department can be reached on telephone contact   0783100402

Let me also take this opportunity, to wish the media fraternity and all Ugandans a safe, peaceful and healthy, New Year, full of aspirations and new resolutions.

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