The Director of Citizenship and Immigrations Control, Maj. Gen. Apollo Gowa Kasiita has written to all heads of departments notifying them of an imminent decision to suspend lunch for all workers.
Gen. Gowa, says the suspension stems from the current economic hardships resulting into underfunding of Immigrations budget by government.
In a leaked memo penned on November 11 and received same day by the Commissioner of Immigrations Brig. Johnson Namanya, Gowa further said the directorate has also accumulated a lot of unpaid bills to service providers.
“Following the current economic hardship and the underfunding of our budget and increased un paid bills to service providers, this is to suspend serving of lunch within the departments,” the memo states in part.
However, the suspension doesn’t apply to detention centers.
Gen. Gowa also said that the phasing out of lunch is a temporary measure and his institution will reinstate as soon as funds are made available.
“This is a temporary measure to be adjusted as and when funds are made available. This does not however apply to the detention centre. Your cooperation is requested,” adds the memo.
This communication comes a week after Ministry of Finance announced immediate scrapping off unnecessary spending by government a clear indication that the country is in cash crisis.
The Finance Ministry instructed all government entities to fund priority sectors.
Only Electoral Commission and Ministry of Defence were allowed to spend money freely.
This is a result of COVID-19 pandemic that has crippled many businesses across the country leaving the economy bleeding.