Ministry of Health Pharmacy Stock Report Lists Adequate Availability of Essential Drugs

The Health Ministry is doing a great job at ensuring the country has enough supplies of neccessary drugs

A mother and child sleep under a mosquito net. Government has been distributing nets to the vulnerable communities of Uganda.

The Ministry of Health has released the the Quarter Report listing the stock piles of essential drugs as demanded for public health. The report lists all available drug stocks. Below, we reproduce the list.


The purpose of this report is to inform the Ministry of Health and all stakeholders of the stock levels in the country as a tool that enables appropriate logistics decision making. This report highlights stock status, real challenges, bottlenecks but also recommends potential solutions to mitigate stock outs and expiries of ARVs & HIV test kits, ACTs, Anti-TB medicines, Reproductive Health items, selected Laboratory commodities, Vaccines and selected medicines for treatment of Opportunistic Infections In the Republic of Uganda

This report serves to:
– Act as an early warning indicator for potential stock outs and possible expiries of EMHS
– Identify challenges and recommendations to avert supply interruptions
– Encourage preparation and sharing of joint supply plans with stakeholders
– Identify strategies for regularly reviewing supply plans for all the commodities
– Encourage donors to honour their commitments in terms of quantities of products expected, timeliness of deliveries and flexibility.

Public Sector: ARVs are well stocked except TLE 400, TLD 90, LPV/r 200/50mg, ABC/3TC 600/300mg, ABC/3TC 120/60 mg (0.9MOS), Nevirapine 10mg/ml suspension (1.7MOS) and Lopinavir/Ritonavir 40/10mg pellets (2.0 MOS). Stock of TLD90 (0.5 MoS) is available incountry at JMS and is to be transferred to NMS. Stock of ATV/r 300/100mg (3.8 MoS), TDF/3TC 300/300mg (1.8 MoS) and LPV/r 200/50mg (0.7 MoS) is available incounty at the transit warehouse. Shipment of TLE 400, 30 pack is expected from GOU in December 2020.

Transition of WRA to TLD needs to be expedited to preserve stocks of TLE400 for those intolerant/ineligible for TLD. Consumption of LPV/r 200/50mg is expected to reduce following transition to DTG based formulations. Stock of ABC/3TC 120/60mg (4.3 MoS) and Nevirapine 10mg/ml suspension (2.1 MoS) is available incountry at the transit warehouse and JMS respectively pending transfer to NMS. Shipment of LPV/r 40/10mg pellets (6.2MoS) is expected in October 2020. There is increased consumption for paediatric LPV/r
formulations due to regimen optimization for Children Living with HIV.

PNFP sector: JMS is well stocked with more than 3 MOS except TLE 300/300/400mg 90 pack (1.0 MoS), ABC/3TC 600/300mg (0.8 MoS) and AZT/3TC 60/30mg (1.6 MOS). However 2.5 MOS of ABC/3TC 600/300mg and 1.2 MoS of TLE 300/300/400mg are expected in November 2020. A shipment of AZT/3TC 60/30mg (5.3 MOS) is also expected by end of November 2020. MAUL is well stocked with ARVs except TLE 400/30/300mg 90 pack, TDF/3TC 300/300mg, ATV/r 300/100mg and Nevirapine suspension. Shipments for TLE 400/300/300mg 90 pack (6.2 MOS) and and ATV/r 300/100mg (3.7 MOS) are expected in October 2020. A shipment of TDF/3TC 300/300mg (8.3 MOS) is expected from Global Fund in December 2020. A shipment of Nevirapine syrup (4.2 MOS) is also expected by end of October 2020.
Public sector : Antimalarial commodities at NMS are well stocked except Malaria RDTs and Artemether Lumefantrine (AL) formulations. 57,500 packs (2.2 MoS) of AL 6*1, 410,000 vials (1.8 MoS) of Artesunate and 180,000 packs (2.5 MoS) of RDTs are available incountry at the transit warehouse.

PNFP sector: All Antimalarial commodities at JMS are well stocked (>3 MOS). Artesunate injection is being issued out basing on reported inpatient cases per level of care.
Public sector: Two orders for Abbot: 154,944 from MAUL and 100,608 from GF are expected in Nov 2020, which were delayed due to COVID-19. There is no confirmed order for Roche and Hologic thus they are at risk of stock out by Dec 2020. The COP20 VL suppliy plan was shared with MAUL and GHSC-PSM to initiate procurement. Sample collection materials, that is DBS and Plasma are well stocked up to the end of the year. EID commodities and DBS kits are well stocked up to Feb 2021. With the scale up of POCT EID, there is a projected slight reduction in consumption at the central Lab. We will keep track of the consumption to monitor the impact of EID POCT.

PNFP sector: There are very low stock levels of SD Bioline at JMS. Other HIV test kits are well stocked. 200 packs of BD FACS Presto CD4 reagent are expected in November while 442 Pima CD4 cartridges are pending NDA verification. In addition, 188 CrAg Kits are expected from CHINA.
Public sector: There are low stock levels (< 3 MoS) of fluconazole formulations except the suspension which is well stocked. Stock of Fluconazole 200mg tablets (2.9 MoS) and Fluconazole Suspension (8.8 MoS) was received from DPP in early October 2020. Order for Fluconazole I.V infusion (5.1 MOS) from DPP is still pending confirmation of delivery date. There are low stock levels of Cotrimoxazole formulations at NMS. However, stock of CTX 960 (1.0 MoS) and CTX 120 (4.8 MoS) were received at NMS from Global Fund in early October 2020. More deliveries for both items are expected from GF in October 2020.

PNFP Sector: JMS has low stocks of Fluconazole suspension. A shipment of fluconazole suspension (25.6 MOS) is expected in January 2021. Interwarehouse transfer from NMS to be initiated for Fluconazole suspension. Cotrimoxazole 120mg and Cotrimoxazole 960 mg have low stock levels. A shipments of 4.1 MOS of Cotrimoxazole 120mg is expected in November 2020. Shipments of 2.2 MOS and 3.6 MOS of Cotrimoxazole 960mg are expected in October and November respectively. MAUL is well stocked with Cotrimoxazole
formulations. Fluconazole formulations are well stocked at MAUL (> 3MOS) except Fluconazole 2mg/ml I.V. Infusion which is stocked out. A shipment of 7,303 packs of Fluconazole 2mg/ml I.V. Infusion was delayed to November 2020. More clients to be enrolled on fluconazole formulations which will offset the projected overstocks.Vaccines generally well stocked. 5.0 MoS of BCG were received at NMS in early October 2020. Additionally 4.5 MoS of Rota Vaccine and 5.5 MoS of HPV are expected in October 2020.

This is the 1st October 2020 stock status report updated with stock and pipeline data as of 30th September 2020. Warehouse data utilized includes information from the Central Warehouses i.e. NMS, JMS and MAUL.

Summary of the stock status report as of 1st October 2020

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