Aine Godfrey Kaguta aka Sodo one of the NRM aspirants is poised to win the Mawogola North NRM primary contest in Sembabule District if results coming from the constituency are to go by.
Sodo is battling Minister Sam Kutesa’s daughter Shatsi Musherure.
The voting in Mawogola North was postponed from September 4 to 30th following claims and counterclaims of vote rigging.
The two spirants are all related to President Yoweri Museveni with Sodo as his brother and Shatsi as daughter in-law.

As voting continues, at Bisesa polling station, where Kutesa and his daughter will cast their vote from, there is a close gap between Sodo and his opponent.
In other polling stations masses rallied behind Sodo overwhelmingly prompting observers to insist that he is an early lead.
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