How ‘Age Limit Kingpin’ Magyezi Preempted Humiliation by withdrawing from Igara Race

Magyezi heads Local Government

Local Government Minister Hon Raphael Magyezi over the weekend bade farewell to his constituents announcing that he will not be seeking a reelection as Igara West Member of Parliament.

His announcement, came after 14 contestants vowed to challenge Minister Magyezi who played a pivotal role in orchestrating the age limit bill that would later be signed into a law by the President of Uganda.

The law allows a person of 75 years to contest for any elective office in Uganda.

Earlier, the constitution of Uganda barred anyone beyond 70 years to express an interest in a political position in t.he land

Magyezi who became popular for fronting this bill, drew ire from the public including his own constituency in Bushenyi.

According to reports, from the time Magyezi initiated the idea of age limit, he became too busy for his voters who also vowed to pay him if at all he returns to seek a reelection.

“Minister Magyezi did not withdraw from the race willingly but because of the pressure from the Kasambya MP Gaffa Mbwatekamwa who switched from Kasambya to Igara West where he originates from,” media reports suggested.

Hon Mbwatekamwa so far donated ambulances to Kakanju health Centre 111, Bitooma health Centre III and he is shipping another one for Nyabubare.

“Magyezi is a very good legislator in parliament but a poor performer in the constituency. Igara west lacks services like piped water to most of the villages, electricity coverage is limited therefore when voters assessed him they opted to vote for other contestants,” local media suggested.

Magyezi had too much unfulfilled promises from the entire constituency in churches, schools, mosques.

A pressure group from his own village of Gongo called Omugaju started highlighting all the unfulfilled pledges and Magyezi felt it was hard to fulfill these pledges within one month of campaigns and election.

Therefore, there is no way, Mr Magyezi would win an election in 2021.

Political observers have praised Magyezi for averting a possible loss by pulling out of the race. The question however, remains if he has already negotiated for a cabinet slot in the next government as an Ex Officio or if he he is assured of a juicy government position.

But having played crucial role in extending President Museveni’s rule chances are high that he has already negotiated his position considering that Museveni is likely to win the coming election.

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