NRM refutes Claims of Plans to use Electoral Colleges for Voting

Tanga Odoi and Lumumba

The ruling NRM Electoral Commission has dismissed claims that the party will be using electoral colleges as a method for voting.

The Chairperson of the Party Electoral Commission Dr Tanga Odoi says he is the only one with powers to decide how the party will conduct elections.

“The NRM Electoral Commission has been drawn to information currently circulating on social media purporting that the Central Executive Committee of the NRM has endorsed Electoral College as the mode of election by which the Party shall elect its Flag Bearers for the forthcoming 2020-2021 general elections,” Tanga said on Monday.

He added that the NRM Electoral Commission would like to categorically state that the above information is false.

“The Commission shall conduct the Party Primaries by Universal Adult Suffrage as enshrined in the Party Constitution.”

The Commission therefore advises and urges all Party leaders and the entire NRM fraternity to ignore the false information being circulated.

“The Commission shall release a Roadmap for the Party’s Primaries upon approval by CEC. The Commission also reiterates that all elections within the organs of the NRM and regulations therein shall be executed by the NRM Electoral Commission as mandated by article 39 (10) of the NRM Constitution.


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