Rukungiri Politics gain Steam as Philanthropist Arthur Baryayanga enters Municipality MP Race

“It was during my school time leadership stint that I poked into the need to serve communities and at first I thought I thought I would do it without joining mainstream politics, but I later found out that without joining mainstream politics, one cannot influence policy that affects the people and it’s from that background that I’m offering myself to serve the Community better”

Arthur Mbabazi Baryayanga is contesting for MP

AFTER, serving the people of Rukungiri for close to two decades through his charity organization Literacy Action and Development Agency (LADA) following its inception in 2003, Arthur Mbabazi Baryayanga seeks to now represent ‘his’ constituents in the Parliament of Uganda.

He has been triggered to joining the Rukungiri Municipality race because he is conversant with voters’ day-to- today plight especially in service delivery.

“There are some problems that I couldn’t solve as an individual or else through LADA, and therefore my people have asked me to take their views to Parliament,” says Arthur.

The seat he eyeing is currently occupied by Roland Kaginda whose leadership star at the grassroot continues to wane tremendously after 10 years of representation but with nothing to write home about in public administration.

Arthur will contest as an independent candidate.

Who is Arthur Baryayanga?

Born 1981 in Rwerere village, Nyakagyeme Parish  to Charles and Lydia Baryayanga, Arthur studied at Rwerere Primary School and later joined Nyakagyeme Senior Secondary School in Rukungiri District where he completed Senior Four.

He went Lakeside College Luzira for High School Education and was later admitted at National Teacher College Kakoba for Diploma in Education.

He later joined Makerere University for Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences majoring Social Administration and later Kabale University where he obtained a Masters Degree in Development Studies (Dev’t Economics and Policy analysis).

He has amassed a wealthy experience in policy and leadership by training from; Dar es salaam, Danish Embassy Nairobi, Gorta Northern Ireland on a number development and resources mobilization and strategic planning.

His acumen in leadership started shining way back while in High School as a deputy head prefect and also Gastyonga Hall Chairman at National Teachers College Kakoba in Mbarara district.

He has also chaired coalitions and network committees on Human Rights and Oil Governance with WWF, and UWASNET and SWANET.

“It was during my school time leadership stint that I poked into the need to serve communities and at first I thought I would do it without joining mainstream politics, but I later found out that without joining mainstream politics, one cannot influence policy that affects the people and it’s from that background that I’m offering myself to serve the Community better” Arthur recollects.

He worked with Aids Integrated Model (AIM) District Project based in Rukungiri from 2006 – 2006 and also Entebbe Women Association which exposed him to practical approaches of dealing with identifying community needs, finding challenges and solutions.

Arthur has further worked on projects which were implementing USAID, WWF-UCO, DENIVA, UNDP, UNEP, Global South, Twaweza East Africa, GEF and World Bank funded projects on Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Conservation of International Waters, Communities and  Small Scale Mining (CASM) programs which was aimed at influencing policy and action on conservation, child protection, livelihoods, and decent employment for  children and women involved  in sand mining and stone quarry along the Kampala, Mukono, Wakiso,  and Entebbe.

His charity organization LADA has since 2003 become a spring board for his participation in community projects in Rukungiri, Mitioma, Sheema, Kabale, Rubanda Rukiga and Kanungu.

LADA’s core objective has been to work towards improved sustainable livelihoods, Community Advocacy Income Enhancement, education in Early Grade Reading, SRGBV campaigns water, Environment, Good Governance and Human Rights Advocacy.

120000 individuals have directly benefited from his efforts in 7 districts creating awareness and positively changing livelihoods.

He employs over 150 people on full time jobs and has also started Vocational Skills Training at LADA Institute of Vocational Education (LIVE) in Kanyinya in Rukungiri Municipality which is aimed at imparting life skills to the youth under the core value of “Answers to Job Seeking” in Rukungiri District.

He has led coalitions, on Oil and Gas in the sub region, Health Advocacy for maternal and child Health, Human Resources for Health.  And done articles; ‘Oil for Development’.

Out of his relentless efforts for development, he earned himself a nickname ‘EMPIKAHOONA’ loosely translated as “all-rounder”

Arthur Baryayanga also supported the leisure industry by erecting an expansive lavish hotel- Okapi based in Rukungiri Municipality and Youth Business Counseling Center at LADA offices in Kanyinya also in Rukungiri District.

“Rukungirians, I think time is now, to take advantage of this rich network and exposure, for the good of our town. Continuous Effort, Not Strengths or intelligence is the key to unlocking our potential,” Arthur emphasizes.

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