The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruptions world over in business operations inclusive of Government services, Uganda not spared. For any business to ensure continuity, there is need to look beyond the pandemic and devise means of ensuring services remain uninterrupted lest clients are left hanging, and flee.
Prior to 31st March, 2020 when the lock-down officially took effect, Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) had already developed and was implementing business continuity plans while abiding by the guidelines issues by H.E the President. However, some of these services still required physical contact while observing social distancing. After 31st March, all services and inquiries were provided online utilizing e-platforms as well as submitting through emails.
The lock down period has enabled most businesses realize how important ICT interventions are in ensuring business continuity especially when dealing with cases of highly contagious pandemics such as COVID-19. URSB is committed to addressing this challenge by developing ICT needs based solutions and providing platforms for transactions of business observing safety of clients and our staff.
On 27th May, 2020 from 02:00pm to 04:30pm, URSB will be hosting its first ever grand webinar to share its business continuity plans post COVID-19 and also receive feedback from stakeholders on how best services can be provided. Clients can tune into UBC TV and also follow the discussions on URSB social media handles on Facebook (URSBHQ) and twitter (@URSBHQ).
Registrations details for those who would like to log into Zoom are also available.