Ray of Hope: Zero Cases as 398 Samples test Negative for COVID-19

D Ruth Aceng heads Ministry of Health.

A total of 398 samples have tested for COV1D-19 at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI).
To date  a cumulative of 2,629 samples have been tested for COVID-19. The total number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in the country still stands at 48.
A total of 980 are under follow up in institutional quarantine.
A total of 915 contacts to the confirmed cases are under follow up.
All the 48 confirmed COVID-19 cases are in stable condition at Mulago National Specialized Hospital, Entebbe Grade B Hospital, Adjumani and Hoima hospitals.
In the same vein, one of the COVID-19 confirmed cases, a pregnant woman, today, delivered a baby girl at Entebbe Grade B Hospital.
Both mother and baby are in an good health. A sample will be obtained from the baby for COVID-19 testing.
To-date, Uganda has NOT registered any COVID-19 related death.
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