“Prophet Mbonye is Human and Errs but was Misunderstood on COVID-19”- Rwamiti

Television star Miles Rwamiti has come out strongly in defence of Prophet Elvis Mbonye who is being attacked left, right and centre following his latest Covid-19 comments.

A few days ago, a video of the man of God-where he reveals that he got the virus prophesy before it ravaged China- made the rounds on social media.

In the video, Prophet Mbonye says he decided to keep quiet about it (the prophesy) because he knew Ugandans would not believe him.

Since the revelation, Prophet Mbonye has been attacked by social media users from all corners with some even suggesting he should be arrested.

This evening, renowned television presenter Rwamiti insists Prophet Mbonye was misinterpreted.
Taking to Twitter, Rwamiti asked doubting Ugandans to watch the whole video available on YouTube.

wrote: “Prophet Mbonye might have his flaws like any other person, but innthis case he is being attacked for nothing. When you watch the full video on YouTube, you realise what is being said completely misrepresents him.”

A few months ago, Prophet Mbonye signed Spark TV presenter Miles Apuuli Rwamiti as his new Public Relations handler (PRO).

Rwamiti is in charge of disseminating information about the Prophet.

Rwamiti and prophet Mbonye have been spotted together recently in a series of meetings.
We hear Rwamiti was introduced to Mbonye by Pastor Joseph Kabuleta, a close pal of Rwamiti.

Speaking about Prophet Mbonye recently, Rwamiti praised the prophet as a really good man.
“Prophet Mbonye is a really good man once you get to know him. Forget what you have read,” Rwamiti told Xclusive UG

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