Ugandans and foreigners ‘quarantined’ at Central Inn, a designated facility by government to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus are living in fear of possible outbreak of this deadly pandemic at the hotel.
Travelers arriving at Entebbe Airport particularly Foreigners have all been taken to this facility for a mandatory 14 days of isolation as a means of stopping the spread of the virus since foreign countries have registered the highest number of deaths and positive cases.
Earlier media reports suggested that Central Inn was unguarded with some foreigners walking in and out at will.
Against that backdrop, TrumpetNews decided to conduct an investigation at this hotel to establish how residents are behaving, are they taking precautions as directed by Ministry of Health, how is security operating, are residents moving freely in and out?
Does the facility have sanitizers at the gate and other critical areas? Are doctors visiting these residents to conduct daily checkups.
How many people are accommodated at this hotel?
How big is the restaurant, how many people can occupy it at once?
Coronavirus Scare
Our findings on Thursday revealed a total deplorable situation at Central Inn with majority of foreigners moving out of the hotel to look for food, alcohol, cigarettes and sex and later return with some ‘visitors.’

There is a small bottle of a disinfectant at the hotel gate, and it depends on who wants to use.
The security guards at the facility value money more than life, when a resident offers them a few “bucks” they dance to his toes.
We have also established that, doctors were last at the facility on Monday to carry out medical check up.
But shockingly on Wednesday night, a batch of new foreigners mostly Chinese were dumped at this Hotel.
Our investigation reveal that, they were not checked yet China is one of the countries which has registered a high numbers of coronavirus deaths.
We understand that these Chinese were denied access by the residents who revolted against this decision and a few were taken away while others slept in the compound.
But what startled many is that on Thursday morning the same Chinese who hadn’t been checked shared plates, cups and forks as they all convened in the same restaurant to have breakfast.
Whereas those confined at this hotel are in hundreds the restaurant can accommodate a few like 50.

On Thursday evening, the angry residents held a crisis meeting at the facility to discuss their next course of action with many fearing they could contract the disease from Central Inn.
The question remains whether Central Inn is a quarantine facility or a breeding ground for the virus.
No officials from Ministry of Health were available for a comment.
Watch out for Part 2 of our investigation in which troubled residents speak out on their ordeal.