Coronavirus: Chief Justice Suspends Court Operations for 32 Days

Chief Justice Bart Katureebe

With effect from March 2020, court hearings and appearances in Uganda have been suspended for a period of 32 days, as an administrative and contingency measure to mitigate the coronavirus threat.

According to a circular issued today by the Chief Justice Bart Katureebe, judicial business has been suspended, in line with President Museveni’s directive in prevention and mitigation of CODIV-19.

On March 18, President Museveni suspended public gatherings as a prevention measure in the fight against coronavirus transmission.

During this time, prisoners and remandees will not be presented to courts. Where possible, proceedings may be conducted via video link. However, courts will continue to handle certificates of urgency and taking plea for serious cases and and bail applications.

During the same time, all judicial officers and staff will continue being on duty, but there will be no court appearances. Where possible, judgments and rulings may be issued to the parties online or via e-mail.

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