Makerere, UCU Stopped from Teaching Dental Surgery as KIU Shines

Makerere University Ivory Tower

Makerere University and Uganda Christian University schools of dentistry don’t meet the minimum requirement for training of medical/dental students.

Therefore, upon qualification their graduates shall not be eligible for reciprocal recognition with EAC partner states as set out the mutual recognition agreement and EAC inspection a recognition of medical and dental guidelines.

The above recommendations were made by the third joint EAC inspection of the new and existing medical and dental school.

The inspection was carried by team of technical health experts from the EAC partner states national medical and dental practitioners regulatory councils from 10th to 14th February, 2020.

This was in line with the directive of the 19th ordinary meeting of the EAC sectoral council of ministers of Health held in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya from 28 October to 1st November, 2019.

In Uganda the team inspected the following universities and teaching hospitals;

Uganda Christian University School of Medicine in Mengo Kampala, Makerere University Dental School, Kabale University Medical School, Islamic University Kibuli, St Augustine International University located in Bunga, Gulu University Medical School, Busitema University and UCU Dental Kampala.

The inspection aimed at establishing the conformity of the universities to the standards and guidelines governing medical and dental schools in the East African Community with the view of improving the services and promotion of the harmonization of education and training in the region.

The inspection focused on the major areas of governance and management, academic programs, human resource, student affairs, infrastructure, monitoring and evaluation of the programs, research and innovation.

The joint team interacted with university management, teaching hospital management, academic staff and students.

The joint inspection was carried out by a team of composed of chairpersons, registrars and chairpersons of education committee of the EAC partner states.

The inspection exercise was Chaired by Dr. Ngambe Tharcisse, Chair Education Committee, Rwanda Medical and Dental Council.

Republic of Rwanda whereas Mr. Daniel Yumbya. MBS, CEO of the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Council, Republic of Kenya, was the Rapporteur assisted by the staff of the East African Community Secretariat

The schedule of the inspection exercise was discussed and approved by the Joint Inspection team; the technical experts were divided into two (2) teams as follows, Team A was headed by Mr Daniel Yumbya, MBS. CEO of the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Council and inspected the following:

Uganda Christian University School of Medicine, Uganda Christian University School of Dentistry, Makerere University Dental School and Kabale University.

Team B was headed by Prof. David Ngassapa, Chairman. Medical, Dental and Allied Health Professionals Council of Tanganyika. United Republic of Tanzania and inspected the following: slamic University in Uganda, Habib Medical School, St. Augustine International University Medical School, Gulu University Medical School and Busitema University Medical School

The objectives of the inspection were to ascertain whether the Medical and Dental Schools are operating in compliance with the set standards and guidelines as approved by the East African Community Partner States.

In addition, the inspection aimed at ascertaining whether the institutions that were inspected in the 2″° Joint Inspection had fully complied with the recommendations contained therein.

Overview of the Inspection Findings Standard tools for self-assessment were sent to the Universities and Teaching Hospitals prior to the visit.

The tools were filled and shared with the inspection teams before physical verification of the information therein. The teams held meetings with the officials of the University Management, Teaching Hospitals Management, Academic Staff and students and further carried out inspection of the teaching facilities.


Uganda Christian University: Recruit the requisite academic and non academic staff and formalize the appointment of heads of department as the matter of priority by August 2020.

The required infrastructure and academic facilities.

Ensure adequate and dedicated budget is provided to cater for the operations of the school of medicine.

Separate the school of medicine from the proposed dental school.

Ensure that the student admission is done in accordance with NCHE guidelines and the EAC board and council guidelines.

The university management in collaboration with NCHE is directed to stop further admission in the school of medicine until the above recommendations.

The school of medicine does not meet the minimum requirements for training of medical/dental students. Therefore, upon qualification their graduates shall not be eligible for reciprocal recognition with EAC partner states as set out the mutual recognition agreement and EAC inspection a recognition of medical and dental guidelines.

Makerere University: The University management shall explain in writing why they didn’t stop new admission into the dental school and redistribute the students who had been admitted for the academic year 2019.

The university management should provide a roadmap for the transformation of the dental department into a fully fledged dental school.

The university management shall not admit any new dental students for the academic year 2021/21 until re-inspection by EAC at the University’s cost and approval given.

The school of dentistry doesn’t meet the minimum requirement for training of medical/dental students.

Therefore, upon qualification their graduates shall not be eligible for reciprocal recognition with EAC partner states as set out the mutual recognition agreement and EAC inspection a recognition of medical and dental guidelines.

KIU: The Joint EAC inspection team made the following recommendations:

The University management should continue with the projected recruitment of clinical staff in readiness for the clinical years.

University management should provide a roadmap for the establishment of a Dental School with fully-fledged departments within the next five years from the date therefore.

The University should put in place resources to accommodate the students in the clinical years as per recommendation of the EAC guidelines.

The Joint EAC Partner States Medical Boards and Councils hereby approves Kampala International University to start training of Dental Surgery to a maximum of fifty (50) students per academic year and ensure that their numbers continuously correspond with the approved EAC ratios.


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