EC Clarifies: Tax Clearance Certificate is not a Requirement for Political Contenders

The Electoral Commission (EC) top management has cleared air on the controversial tax clearance requirement for all those intending to contest for political offices in the coming election, saying for now there is no law.

EC chairperson Justice Simon Byabakama speaking Tuesday during the launch of display of National Voters’ Register at EC head offices said that currently no law guides the commission to demand a tax clearance certificate from all candidates.
“For now we don’t have that law. May be if the law is amended to include that as our requirement, that is when EC will begin demanding that qualification, “Byabakama said.
In the recent past, Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) Commissioner General Doris Akol had alerted all Ugandans who are harbouring political interests to reconcile their tax clearance documents because it will be a requirement by EC.
However, Akol hadn’t  specified which particular political office was being targeted.
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