Another Swarm of Locusts Enters Uganda, Moves to 3 Districts

The yellow locusts are ready to lay eggs and are less destructive.

More desert locusts have Monday entered Uganda through Turkana and have quickly spread to Moroto and Nabulatuk.

Earlier they had invaded Amudat in Karamoja but the first swarm would be seeing moving to Eastern Uganda in Bulambuli.

According to NBS TV the locusts crossed into Lokiriama and Nakabat in Moroto district.

This development comes high on heels of heightened efforts to combat the deadly pests.

Government has Monday dispatched aircraft to Karamoja region to spray and contain the locust invasion in the area.

On Monday morning, government dispatched pesticides and pumps aboard UPDF helicopters at Kololo Airstrip.

Government officials contend that the locusts will be sprayed during evening hours when they are flying at a lower altitude.

These efforts will be backed by 2000 troops UPDF sent to manage the situation.

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