Commentary: Organize , Organize, Organize! ANT Rallies All Ugandans

Muntu at the press conference (file photo), he is the founder of ANT

By: Mwalimu Tahakabar (ANT Diaspora Desk

As years go by, Ugandans continue to desperately clamour for change of the political leadership by all means necessary even if it called for war but the question is how sustainable is war ? How prepared are Ugandans for this much needed change of guards ?

In any case do we just need any change or sustainable change that positively impacts on our people and country? Twenty years or so down the road , Ugandans have been on the fence calling for change , we all know that the NRM government has steadily been running out of option and thus seizing to be the darling of Ugandans since 2001 but question is; How have we been prepared to take on this ideal we all certainly believe in of changing the regime ?

A section of Ugandans have called for violence as a way and means of changing this regime but when you ask them of how organised and prepared they’re , they provide no answers and that in itself alone is a dilemma that places the future of Uganda and Ugandans at crossroads if not in between a failed state and bloodbath.

At this rate, Ugandans need to be Organised , leadership must prevail from all walks of life , elites must be brought on board , those good people in Government must be called upon to revisit their Consciences and look deeper to what nation they want to pass on to their children, Opposition political parties should vigorously make themselves busy with building structures right from the grassroots that will outlive leaders , empower grassroots leaders with the necessary tools , call for tolerance and unity among Ugandans . These are ideals that will make Ugandans own up this struggle. This is the mission ANT is on since its inception- May 2019

As ANT, we are well informed that elections and many attempts to dislodge this dictatorship have been here before but yielded no results and that means that as a people , we have not been prepared enough and this is what we are not prepared to commit again . We have chose to ORGANIZE and ORGANIZE and ORGANIZE . We have embarked on building structures, institutions that will be the bedrock of this struggle for democracy. We have chosen this path other than violence because it’s sustainable and easy to evaluate and provide solutions to the loopholes .

We therefore, remind and Re-echo to all Ugandans in and the diaspora that power belongs to the people and we have the zeal and capacity to create a better Uganda we all desire if we choose to work together ! Let us put our country we both call home ahead of us !

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