Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) has registered a tremendous success after collecting shs 56 billion above required shs 40 billion in 2018/2019 financial year.
The announcement was made by the Bureau’s Executive Director Mr. Bemanya Twebaze in a letter he wrote to all the staff.
Below we produce his letter;
June 30, 2019 marked the end of the financial year 2018/2019 which was a great success for us as a Bureau. I want to express my deepest appreciation to you all for the milestones realized throughout the entire year as a result of your efforts and commitment in ensuring that we meet and surpass our set targets. A lot was achieved at a personal, unit, directorate and institutional level during the financial year.
Key to mention, we managed to collect Non-Tax Revenue (NTR) of Ush 56.2Bn against a target of 40.1 Bn set by the Ministry of Finance. Planning and Economic Development. We over shot the target by Ush 16.1Bn.
We also realized Increased appreciation of URSB services countrywide by both policy makers and the general public. These among others are reasons for us to celebrate. As we jubilate about these successes, let us remember that this sets the expectations of our clients much higher. and I am confident that we shall meet and even exceed them.
As always, you are reminded of our commitment to Zero Tolerance to Corruption and the agenda of keeping a Corruption Free Environment. You are expected to conduct yourselves in line with our core values of Professionalism, Integrity. Team work, Excellence. Transparency and Accountability. As we start the new financial year 2019/2020, I wish to congratulate you for your tireless efforts in contributing to the mandate of URSB. It is through your commitment, Hard work, Creativity and Teamwork that we were able to register the results that we are proud to celebrate.
I am glad to be part of the wonderful team that delivered these results and I have no doubt that we shall achieve even greater success this financial year 2019/2020.