President Yoweri Museveni, who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Uganda Armed Forces, has urged members of the UPDF’s WAZALENDO Savings and Cooperative Society, to use their loans wisely by constructing rentals in their areas and other income generating activities.
“When you borrow money, you should use it for the construction of rentals near your trading centre and build a personal house when you are about to retire,” he advised.
Gen. Museveni who is currently on a countrywide tour of Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) barracks, to acquaint himself with the situation in the barracks and the challenges soldiers are facing, was yesterday addressing Officers and men of the 3rd Division in Moroto Army barracks in Moroto District, Karamoja Sub-Region.
He also advised spouses of soldiers to engage in income generating enterprises such as weaving of sweaters, among others. He at this juncture announced the injection of Shs.100 million into the Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization (SACCO) of the wives of soldiers of the 3rd Division.
According to the Chief of Defense Forces (CDF), Gen. David Muhoozi, UPDF’s WAZALENDO SACCO has 70,000 members who have saved substantial amount of money. He says the aim of the SACCO is to help soldiers improve their life and that of their families.
Gen. Museveni used the occasion to remind Officers and men of the 3rd Division of the principles of a liberation army that include Patriotism, Pan-Africanism, Socio-Economic Transformation and Democracy.
“Your work is to ensure prosperity for our people; that families have income, live in good houses, send children to school, have good health and easy mode of transport,” he said.
He encouraged Senior Officers of the UPDF to internalize those principles for effective impact, especially for the prosperity of all in Uganda.
‘What is the mission of a liberation Army? It is to work for the prosperity of Uganda. How? By believing that Uganda can protect the interest of the people. So the mission of UPDF is Patriotism, love your country, think more of Uganda; don’t think of Teso only but of Uganda, East Africa and Africa for our prosperity,” he said.
Gen. Museveni pointed out that by insisting on modernization, an area like Karamoja, is gradually taking a new face where infrastructure is available prompting the mushrooming of modern buildings like the hotels that are being constructed by Kampala investor.
“By insisting on modernization and peace, Karamoja is changing. The population is growing due to the policy of disarmament of 41,000 illegal guns at the hands of the cattle rustlers and that of immunization. Electricity is available and road infrastructure is in place. Karamoja will become an industrial zone,” he noted.
Regarding accommodation for soldiers, Maj. Gen. Timothy Sabiti, said 30,000 units are to be constructed by the UPDF’s Building Brigade starting in July this year.
On health, Gen. Museveni reiterated his call to all soldiers to value their lives by not living recklessly. He advised them to avoid alcohol, promiscuity smoking. He pledged to ensure that children of soldiers receive the necessary education.