Former Bank of TZ Governor to Address 26th Annual Joseph Mubiru Memorial Lecture

Prof. Benno Ndulu

Prof Benno Ndulu will be the guest speaker at the 26th annual Joseph Mubiro memorial lecture, Bank of Uganda has confirmed.

Slated for 2oth February 2019, this year’s lecture will run under the theme ‘The role of Financial Innovations and Inclusion in scaling up growth in Uganda.’

Prof.Ndulu was appointed Governor of the Central Bank of Tanzania 2008 and retired in 2017. He is credited for restoring public trust and confidence in Tanzania’s central bank and is currently the chairperson on the Board of Alliance for Financial Inclusion.

In recognition of Mubiru’s outstanding contribution to the financial and economic  development of Uganda, coupled with the impeccable professionalism he actively fostered in Uganda’s banking industry, Bank of Uganda organizes annual  Joseph Mubiru Memorial Lectures, during which economic/financial topical issues of the day are discussed by recognisable personalities.

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