Outgoing Police Spokesperson, SSP Emilian Kayima has handed over office to the incoming Force Spokesperson, CP Fred Enanga on Wednesday morning.
In his handover speech, Kayima applauded the team he headed as a committed and competent team of officers that worked a together as a family. He further noted that the police Public Relations Office, just like any other office has challenges but they are not insoluble
On his behalf, CP Fred Enanga pledged to work with everyone as he did before. “The sky will not even be the limit” he said. The team handed over a plaque to Afande Enanga to appreciate his efforts in serving Uganda.
Emilian Kayima has held the position since November 2017when he replaced AIGP Asan Kasingye. He will now be in charge of publications .
Enanga who once held the position of police spokesperson was dropped along with his deputy Polly Namaye by former IGP, Kale Kayihura in 2016. He was then replaced by the later AIGP, Andrew Felix Kaweeso before who was assassinated in March 2017.