Once considered as the last resort in the past years, the use of C – sections in Kampala has skyrocketed. There are many reasons as to why one might opt for surgery but considerably the first time mothers these days are becoming more confident in having an operation. Though, the medical doctors we approached preferred confidentiality a good number of them agreed to an increase in number of elective C sections among first time mothers especially in Kampala.
The annual health sector performance report 2017/18 released last year in November indicated that there was an increase in the number of c section births carried out from 48695 in 2016/17 60 60,071 in 2017/18. The average C- section in the general hospitals increased to from 25 to 28 percent with the highest number reported in private hospitals. While the lifesaving surgery is still unavailable for many women and children in low income countries, one wonders why some expecting mothers opt for it even when there is no medical necessity.
Where is the Problem?
Ann Nakito, a midwife at a private clinic in Kampala says “To be honest some of these procedure done are really not necessary, but the girls, I will emphasize girls because older women do not easily opt for the knife, girls are scared of pain. They come here with an idea of how horrible the experience is and willingly opt for C- sections” She adds that the other problem is that expecting mothers report questions to gynecologists instead of midwives.
Nakito further says that the rate of unmarried girls ages between 23 to 30 always opt for C -sections because of the life style they live. “A girl once confessed to me that she survives by sleeping with men for money exchange and having a virginal child delivery may affect her regrettably and having a C- section was the only option. She openly told me that she fears for her vagina to tear and enlarge yet the men she has slept with give her more money claiming that she is tight”
She says further that some girls she has attended to do not wish to get married and have no plans of settling to have more babies and they look at C -sections as the best way to keep in shape. “They also are so informed about modern C -sections that do not have much effect as compared to those before, so because they want to keep in shape and leave almost no scar on the skin, these girls clearly ask for what they want” Nakito adds.
Caroline Namuddu, a mother of three says she has had all her babies by C -section willingly because she used to hear stories about vaginal deliveries and swore never to opt for them regardless of doctors’ advice. “The doctor told me that I was healthy and in position to push my babies by I could not handle enduring the paining of having to push. And now that the procedure is a bit simpler than before, I go for it. I do not have a saggy stomach and I maintained my good shape” Namuddu explained.
Seven out of the ten girls we talked to, all who are singles mothers admitted to have asked for C- sections willingly due to their life style. They believed that pushing the baby naturally would interfere with their daily way of living because they have to make money. With the era “ too posh to push” mentality, slay queens do not want to miss out on “ slayage” so , C -sections are an option claiming to have no time to do exercise trying to deal with the postpartum stomach.
Professional Take
Dr Tadius Nsubuga of Mulago says C-sections may have a more complicated recovery for the mother, they said, and lead to scarring of the womb, which is associated with bleeding, abnormal placenta development, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth and preterm birth in subsequent pregnancies. He advises that women should take caution before opting for them. Given that natural vaginal deliveries heal faster than C -sections and when an expectant mother has no complications it is safer to deliver naturally.