Parliament Week to commence next week

The parliament of Uganda is once again set to host members of the public next week to mark parliament.

The deputy Speaker of Parliament Jacob Oulanyah called upon members of parliament to encourage their supporters to use this opportunity and take part in parliamentary discussions.

 Oulanyah added that over the years, people have lost confidence in parliament and that it is the mandate of MPs to win public trust. Parliament week will start with charity walk headed by speaker Rebecca Kadaga aimed at fundraising for the construction of the albino center and fronting an awareness drive to curb the bad effects of climate change .

The Parliament Week will be concluded with a public parliament where by members of the public will be invited to the parliamentary chambers to engage in debate. The proceeding of the seating will be recorded in the Hansard while the resolutions presented to the Speaker.

This is the third Parliament week in the tenth Parliament and will be held from 13th to 19th under the theme; Championing Accountability to Improve Service Delivery.

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