Justine Bagyenda

COSASE committee has ordered Bank of Uganda (BOU) to withdraw their vehicle and security that have been being used by Justine Bagyenda. In the meeting, the committee members argued that she is no longer serving as an employee of BOU and is no longer entitled to being guarded by their security and using their vehicle.

 Appearing before the committee today, the Executive Director Administration Jan Tibamwenda said that Bagyenda had formerly handed over the BOU property but the vehicle and the guard were given back after she complained of security challenges and hardships to access areas like parliament.

Tibamwenda was challenged by the committee that it was not his responsibility to give back Bank property to the ex-employee after he informed them that he took it upon himself to give her security in order to make it easy for her to make it for the COSASE meeting.

 “ The decision was made by me after carrying out consultations for purposes of COSASE, we consulted the Director of Security and the Director of Administration services and one in charge of transport and thus the decision was made because we did not want a situation where she would fail to turn up because of transport of security” said Tibamwenda.

Before the meeting came to a final decision, Mr Tibamwenda also informed the COSASE that the bank board had also taken the decision to extend Bagyenda’s privileges to June 2019. However Anita Among the Vice Chairperson of the committee who chaired the meeting said Today should be the last day Bagyenda is using the property of Bank of  Uganda and we are revoking the decision of your board”

 This is followed by yesterday (Thursday 10th January 2019) meeting proceedings where a video footage was shared in which the former Executive Director in charge of commercial Bank Supervision Justine Bagyenda appeared to have been smuggling essential documents out of the Bank using the emergency doors.

The footage shows Bagyenda and being assisted by her body guard Juliet Adikorit as they transferred the documents to the vehicle. When asked what documents they were, the body guard claimed to have had no idea what documents they were carrying though his boss Bagyenda says they were her personal gifts and handover reports.

When asked why they opted for emergency doors, Adikorit said “The bags were too heavy and big to pass through the normal security entrance” She also added that she did not know why the bags were not checked.

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