Bigirimana: I Can Testify against Corrupt BoU Officials

Pius Bigirmana, permanent secretary for the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Developemnt who is charged with the YLP programme.

Ministry of Gender Permanent Secretary (PS) Mr. Pius Bigirimana has said he warned the country on stinking corruption that has engulfed the Central Bank for a longtime.

Bigirimana added that he knows corrupt officials leading the ‘cartel’ in the institution because he was once a victim after his signature was forged while his junior official Godffrey Kazinda colluded with officials in the bank.

He further spat venom condemning leaders in the bank that engage in corruption related activities.

He was Wednesday giving a speech as well as warning youth against corruption at Africana Hotel.

Bigirimana thus hinted on the on going Bank of Uganda probe in which several officials are accused of illegally selling several commercial banks including Crane Bank which belonged to money magnet Sudhir Ruparelia.

“These things you are seeing at Bank of Uganda I saw them long them longtime ago and warned the country about them,”said Bigirimana.

He added, “when my signature was forged during OPM scandal I was attacked yet the corrupt were there.”

Speaking at Laspnet Event at Africana Bigirimana said he faced rough times while defending himself but also  never cowed to fight corruption which he has been doing.

In 2012 when Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) was rocked with shs 50 billion corruption scandal, Mr. Bigirimana was the man at the epicenter as his name was mentioned in the fraud.

It later emerged that his signature was forged by interested parties who withdrew money from Bank of Uganda on OPM accounts.

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