At the start of May 2018, Government allocated 72,650 acres of land in public ranches to some individuals, agencies and companies for different projects. Members of Parliament and different shareholders however opposed the move saying it was bound to be turned into a land-give-away scam to benefit particular individuals.
True to the MPs words, a mega land bonanza is on-going at the ministry of agriculture aided by Joy Kabatsi-Minister of state for animal industry, Uganda Land Commission Chairman Baguma Isoke and Lands Minister Betty Amongi. The three are accused of awarding huge land chunks to companies in which they have interests, and others whose directors are well connected to the officials.
The decision to give away the land was reached at during a meeting by officials from the ministries of Land, Agriculture and the Uganda Land Commission on May 22.
According to minutes seen by this website, the meeting was attended by, among others, Betty Amongi, Joy Kabatsi, and Baguma Isoke who have now been named in the scandal.
However, on 11th June, the minister of agriculture Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja wrote to the executive director national animal genetic resources centre and data bank saying the agreed presidential directives had been ignored and that Joy Kabatsi had decided to implement without any delegation and knowledge.
In the meeting, the officials discussed different presidential directives on land and agreed to lease the land in ranches to farmers. The meeting resolved that the different companies and individuals use the land to breed Ankole (long-horned) cattle and fatten cattle for beef.
Some of the beneficiaries include Gravity Investment Limited, Emmanuel Kamihingo, Barnabas Tikamanyire Nuwamanya, Eric Rutahigwa, Ankole Long-horned Cattle Breeders Cooperative Society and Amos Dairies.
Others are Ji Xia Jia of Hibyishengyuan Company Limited, National Animal Genetic Resources Centre and Databank (NAGRC & DB), Palm Oil Project, NARO, Palm Oil Outgrowers, Brentec for Livestock Vaccines Sasini Limited and Ahmed Altigani from the United Arab Emirates.
The ranches to be affected include Aswa, Nshaara, Maruzi, Lusenke, Ruhengyere, NARO Nakyesesa and Njeru.