In late August 2016, Police Chief Gen Kale Kayihura named AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi the institution’s spokesperson, a man he earlier blamed for being ‘too often’ in the media while serving as Kampala Metropolitan Police (KMP) commander.
Kaweesi’s new task was to repair police‘s tainted image due to a series of brutal incidents carried out by officers.
Police was on spot as some of its officers were publically criticised for exercising unprofessionalism.
Kayihura then said Kaweesi would handle this work as a special assignment in addition to his other responsibilities.
The first rising officer would then execute his new duty concurrently with Human Resource Directorate.
Previously he served as Director of Operations.
Undoubtedly, Kaweesi, a very ambitious young officer took the mantle and carried the institution’s burden, responded to heaps of harsh criticisms both on social media and in the press.
Kaweesi was a man who would speak with authority unlike his predecessor Fred Enanga who many officials accused of being obscure as the crisis in police deepened.
By the end of the year 2016, Kaweesi had excellently performed.
He addressed unending media engagements in a bid to regain public trust for the police force.
In fact the day he was brutally murdered, Kaweesi was slated to address students of Uganda Christian University (UCU).
Despite his young age and having spent little time to achieve a lot unlike other senior police officials, Kaweesi was AIGP, the second highest police rank which he got only after 10 years.
But on March 17, 2017, the country was thrown into panic on learning Kaweesi had been assassinated near his home as he left for duty.
He was killed by unknown gunmen along with his body guard and driver.
His boss (then) Kale Kayihura linked the murder to ADF.
However, a year after Kaweesi’s death, the country has learnt more than what was enough in Kaweesi’s death.
Most of who were considered to be his colleagues are detained in connection to his assassination including his former boss, Gen Kale Kayihura.
The once powerful army soldier was caged as he attempted to flee to the country in western Uganda after eluding a military operation launched at his farm in Lyantonde.
Kayihura remains in detention for close to a month now.
Whereas the charges remain unknown, those he has interacted with in his detention facility say he is accused of killing Kaweesi.
Before Kaweesi’s death, we understand there was a stormy meeting at State House which was attended by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and Gen Kale Kayihura.
Those privy to this meeting whose details were published by online publication The Investigator last year and later re-emerged in the local daily The Daily Monitor, say, Kaweesi was facing an imminent imprisonment after Museveni sanctioned his arrest.
Kaweesi is believed to have been involved in several dirty deals with wealthy businessmen in the country.
Kayihura- Kaweesi Fall out
TrumpetNews has exclusively obtained information indicating how Kayihura and Kaweesi fell out over shs 30 billion at the time the latter was killed.
Because, he could no longer contain the pressure from his boss, Kaweesi threatened to spill the secrets to a top government official who at that time had fragile relations with Kayihura.
What sparked off the bad blood, according to our sources is shs 30 billion which police released to buy Bwebajja Land and establish a training facility- police college.
“That land was bought by Kaweesi. He brokered the deal and inflated the figures,” a source said.
Adding that Kayihura through his investigation later learnt that the land could have been bought at a price half of what Kaweesi had presented.
“That land was bought at 14 or 13 billion shillings,” a source added.
Efforts by Kayihura to seek answers from Kaweesi hit a dead end.
Media reports indicated that shs 20 billion was found on Kaweesi’s bank accounts after his death.
He was considered one of the few filthy rich police officers whose monthly take home salary couldn’t exceed shs 1 million.
TrumpetNews however, couldn’t independently verify this information.
No police official was willing to comment on this matter when reached.