Kasaija to Preside over Jolly Kaguhangire’s Handover of Office


Interdicted Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) executive director Jolly Kamugira Kaguhangire has accepted to handover office.

The closed door ceremony will occur on Friday at the UIA head offices in Kampala.

Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Hon Matia Kasaija is expected to preside over the function after he received a complaint from UIA board chair Emily Kugonza that Kaguhangire had refused to step down.

This website has learnt that although Hon Kasaija agreed to preside over the handover, he hadn’t confirmed the exact time he will be available.

“But he confirmed that he will be there to witness as she hands over office today,” said a source.

On Tuesday, the Board issued a directive to Kaguhangire to leave office on corruption related accusations.

“The Board meeting did not have quorum. The Investment Code Act puts the quorum at 8. Please note that at the time of decision three members had left the meeting,” Kaguhangire earlier notified the Board.


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