Innovation is mother of all inventions- goes the English adage. To Joseph Nkaheza, his dream was to fly. And he went about trying to invent a helicopter that would see his dream come true.
However, with very limited resources and very rudimentary technology, Nkaheza’s invention nearly sent him to his creator.
Attempting to fly his helicopter on the Mbarara-Kabale road, the badly done machine came tumbling and almost killed him.
The engineer is now admitted at Mbarara Regional Referral hospital with head and neck injuries as Police finds ways of towing the machine.

Nkaheza came into the limelight when the story of his invention became a subject of debate in the country with many wondering whether his petrol powered helicopter would be able to fly, just like the motorbike that he had previously made.
With the much taunted Kira EV still not in motion even after being publicly unveiled by President Museveni years ago, Joseph’s attempts at creating a flying machine are a far cry.