Two army senior officers, General Edward Wamala Katumba and General Jeje Odong are erecting monstrous houses estimated at shs 5 billion.
Katumba’s two storeyed house is located in Kungu, a fast developing suburb while Odong is constructing in Gayaza a few kilometres from the city centre.
The opulent structures though unfinished boosts of more than 10 bedrooms each.

Unarguably, the two army combatants currently occupying political offices are among a few top government officials whose name has not been dented with corruption scandals.
They live a very obscure and quiet life style and one could think they own no single property in the city.
But the magnificent state of the art residences ratify an old adage, “never judge a book by its cover.”
But besides that, they have been in government service for quite a long time and if one argues that they have built these plush houses out hard earned cash, it could be hard to dispute it.
The pictures tell it all!