Hon. Sam Kutesa, the Minister of Foreign Affairs is in London attending pre-CHOGM 2018 Commonwealth Foreign Minister’ Meeting which began on 18th April 2018 on the theme, Towards a common future’.
The pre-CHOGM Commonwealth Foreign Minister’ Meeting discussed common challenges facing member states with focus on delivering on four priority areas namely:
A prosperous future: with emphasis on multilateral trading System; Intra-Commonwealth Trade and Investment; Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth;
A sustainable future: to tackle vulnerability and climate change; Sustainable Use of Energy and Natural Resources; Health; Education; Sport and Sustainable Development
A fairer future: promoting and protecting democratic principles as laid out in the Common wealth Charter with a shared Commonwealth vision of democratic values, good governance, the rule of law, and individual rights to promote peace and security and to strengthen democratic institutions.
A secure future: Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism; Cyber security enhancement; Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation; Serious and Transnational Organised Crime; Urban Crime/Violence and Gun Crime.
The Commonwealth is well positioned to serve the interests of over 2.6 billion people in the 53 Commonwealth member countries by working together in diversity to address the above challengesand agree to create a better future for all Commonwealth citizens, particularly young people. The Commonwealth Foreign Ministers Meeting was preceded by other pre-CHOGM events and forums namely, the Commonwealth Business Forum, Commonwealth Peoples Forum, Commonwealth Women Forum, and Commonwealth Youth Forumwhich were held from 16th– 18thApril 2018 in London.
The recommendations of the Commonwealth Ministers of Foreign Affairs will be considered and endorsed by the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) which starts 19th April 2018 and ends on 20th April 2018.