Minister Namuganza Summoned for Abusing Kadaga

Namuganza has challenged censure in the High Court

State Minister for Lands Persis Namuganza will Friday appear before Busoga Parliamentary Caucus to substantiate on reports that she rebuked Speaker Rebecca Kadaga as being unqualified, unfit and improper to preside over parliament.

Namuganza is also accused of threatening to take Kadaga’s life.

She made the threats on social media and also physically while attending a function in her constituency Bukuno, Namutumba District, Busoga region.

It is also alleged that the Minister referred to the people of Kamuli District where Kadaga hails from as filthy and unhygienic in whole of Busoga.

The legislators in their statement issued Wednesday aver that the NRM Minister belittled Kadaga as having being too old to offer new ideas to Parliament, adding that she threatened to harm the person of the Speaker.

Namuganza, according to reports loathes Kadaga because of her support to Busoga King William Wilberforce Gabula Nadiope while the junior Minister rallies behind Prince Edward Columbus Wambuzi.

Jinja West lawmaker Moses Balyeku, who is the vice chairman of Busoga Caucus warned that should Namuganza fail to appear action will be taken in her absence.

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