Uganda as the Current Chair of the EAC Heads of State Summit and the EAC Council of Ministers will host the 19th Ordinary EAC Heads of State Summit on 23rd February at Speke Resort Munyonyo under the Theme. “Enhancing Socio-Economic Development for Deeper Integration of the Community.”
The 19th Summit is being convened in accordance with the provisions of the treaty establishing the EAC, which in Article 12 states that “the Summit shall meet at least once every year”.
The main objective and purpose of the Summit is to provide the political support and impetus to the EAC Regional Integration process and agenda, including taking stock of the implementation of directives made at previous summits.
All the six EAC heads of state will attend the Summit and will among other things deliberate on the council of Ministers reports in relation to:
Sustainable financing mechanism for the EAC
Progress on political federation
Roadmap for the accelerated integration of the Republic of South Sudan
Progress of the verification exercise for the admission of the Republic of Somalia into the EAC
Modalities for promotion of motor vehicle assembly in the community
Review of the textile and leather sector
One network area framework
Report of the Chair of the EAC Summit on the EU-EAC Economic Partnership agreement.
In addition to the Summit, we are convening two other important meetings:
The 4th EAC Heads of State joint Retreat on Infrastructure Development and Financing.
And the first EAC Heads of States Summit on Investment in Health.
The theme for the retreat is “Deepening and Widening Regional Integration through Infrastructure and Health Sector Development in the EAC Partner States”.
The retreat will incorporate separate development partners’ roundtable and exhibitions from 21st to 22nd February 2018.
Recognizing infrastructure as a prime mover of socio-economic development in the Region, the Retreat will focus on the progress of implementation of previously prioritized projects. Through these retreats, a number of projects were identified most of which are under implementation in the energy sector, transport, maritime and ports development.
In regard to the health sector, the first Heads of State Retreat will seek to build consensus on regional health sector investment priorities for the attainment of Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable.
Development Goals. The Retreat will also:
showcase the major health sector investments and opportunities in the Partner States;
mobilize investments for the identified health sector priorities;
And revitalize regional partnerships and linkages for improved health outcomes in the EAC Partner States.
The retreat which is by invitation will be graced by Ministers, technocrats, researchers, the private sector, civil society, academia and youth within and outside the EAC region. Other invited guests include dignitaries from regional economic groupings like the African Union (AU), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA,) Southern Africa Development Cooperation (SADC) Economic Cooperation of Wes African States (ECOWAS) Inter Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD), multilateral and bilateral development partners, Financial Institutions, local and International Investors, Civil Society and the Private sector.
The exhibition is expected to attract manufactures, service providers, practitioners, business men and women to show case the different products, services and equipment in both the health and infrastructure sectors and facilitate mutual partnerships, networking and business development.
At the end of the two days retreat including the round table discussions, the EAC region is expected to come up with, a framework with concrete measures that will accelerate and support the attainment of the objectives of the EAC Development Strategy , the Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals in the infrastructure and health sectors.