Police: Kirumira has no right to resign

Police Publicist, Kayima

Uganda Police has Monday come out to clarify that Buyende District Police Commander (DPC) Muhammad Kirumira cannot quit the force as he did earlier on Social Media.

Police publicist Emilian Kayima Kirumira should have written to the Secretary Police Authority, who is the PS Ministry of internal Affairs.

Once the matters raised are put on the agenda for the next sitting, they will be discussed in that meeting chaired by the Minister of internal Affairs and a solution will be reached at.

“The Uganda Police Force has received embarrassing messages from various media outlets attributed to ASP Ifirumira Muharnad, DPC Buyende that he has resigned from the Uganda Police Force,” reads a statement by Kayima.

He adds that Kirumira has even gone ahead to grant interviews to various media houses which act is an act of indiscipline which totally contravenes the code of conduct of serving police officers.

“For that matter therefore, ASP Kirumira Muhamad cannot and should not resign frorn the Uganda Police Force through a watsup message or through granting interviews to the media. What he did is an act of gross indiscipline amounting to scandalous conduct which cannot be tolerated by the Uganda Police Force.”

For any police officer wanting to exit the force, s/he should write to the Secretary Police Authority, who is the PS Ministry of internal Affairs. Once the matters raised are put on the agenda for the next sitting, they will be discussed in that meeting charred by the Minister of internal Affairs and a solution will be reached at.

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