The police in Kampala on Monday arrested Paddy Sserunjogi alias Ssobi an alleged leader of a notorious gang- Kifeesi- known for causing mayhem in the city and neighbouring suburbs.
Sobbi was arrested by policemen from Kampala Metropolitan Police (KMP) command, along with two other members of the gang identified as Kasozi Shafiq and Twaha Tim at Rose Gardens Hotel in Nsangi town a few kilometres from the city centre.
Following his arrest, some residents have reportedly expressed fear that he might be released without prosecution by the police like they did in the past.
In 2012, police arrested Sobbi in a city swoop following reports that he was leading a notorious squad that committed heinous crimes but he would later be released soon after without prosecution.
Police publicist Emilian Kayima on Monday announced Sobbi was rearrested after he publicly claimed to be working with police authorities to commit crime.
“Today January 15, 2018 police at Nsangi arrested the above mentioned suspect with two others namely. Kasozi Shafiq and Twaha Tim at a hotel in Nsangi called Rose Gardens.
The police are investigating the allegations they openly made on television which circulated across many social media platforms,” a statement from police reads.
Kayima added the daunting claims of killing people cannot simply be swept under the carpet it will be investigated to its logical conclusion.
“On the allegation of working with police officers to commit crime, we want to establish who in the police they work with. Thirdly, we want to investigate the allegations of these murders they claimed to be involved in committing.”
Police already opened a case : “There is already a general inquiry fete. GEF KMP 373/2017 The three are in police custody at Nsangi Police Division. Whoever has a genuine complaints) against any of them should come to KMP CID and have their statements recorded to enable us fully investigate these claims in the great interest of administering justice.”