Museveni joins Nyerere, Kaunda as latest winner of Africa liberation award

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has won this year’s Africa Liberation Prize conferred by the African Liberation Award Committee that met in October 2017 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

“The African Liberation Award Committee that met in October 2017 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, unanimously voted for President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as winner of the 2017 Africa Liberation Prize,” the Committee Chairperson Dr. George Nangale said in a press release dated December 29 , 2017.

The prize has previously been conferred on former Tanzanian President Mwalimu Julius Nyerere and Dr. Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia both in 2014.

According to Dr. Nangale, it follows therefore, that after the two legends of our continent, that is Mwalimu Nyerere and Dr. Kaunda, one would like to know as to why Yoweri Museveni was voted this time round.

The following points were considered by the committee that voted President Museveni.

His effective contribution to the liberation of Uganda in the 1970s and 1980s from tyranny regime thus resulting into political stability in Uganda; Under his leadership, Uganda has played a leading exemplary role in peace keeping initiatives in Somalia, Central African Republic, Congo and Burundi.

Uganda has deployed more soldiers than any other African State for peace keeping in Somalia; President Museveni has recognized and accepted democratic governance in Uganda by accenting multi-partism and private candidature, the reality of which could not be dreamt of in the 70s and 80s; Museveni’s zealous and consistent positive commitment to the cause of integration and the East African Community since 1993 to date; his lifetime belief and support to Pan Africanism Internationally.

According to Dr. Nangale the Africa Liberation Prize is conferred by the African Liberation Award Committee of which, given its rules and points of reference do chose the winner as the attributes are met satisfactorily.

The committee is run on a voluntary basis.

“This award is for Africa, it is a recognized award on the continent.

It is set to recognize contributions and initiatives towards African Liberation within and outside Africa.

Award winners include African statesmen, Liberation struggle veterans, peacekeepers and other individuals.

This is a memorable mark for future generations to emulate,” he said.

In May 1963, 32 independent African states met in Addis Ababa, founded the Organization of African Unity (OAU),
and established the Liberation Committee of the new organization, charging it with the duty of coordinating the liberation struggle in those parts of Africa still under
colonial rule.

The OAU Liberation Committee was hosted in Dar es Salaam by the government of Tanzania, at the invitation of the founding President, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere.

The 2017 Africa Liberation Prize will be conferred on President Museveni at a date to be communicated.

(Additional reporting by KampalaPost)

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