Exclusive: New rebel group emerges in Eastern DRC

ADF rebels in jungles of Congo ( File photo)

A new military outfit has reportedly emerged on Uganda- Congo border, TrumpetNews has reliably learnt.

Compared to Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) which has been terrorizing the region for a long time, the new rebel group whose name is yet to be identified is seemingly more and heavily equipped and well organized, showing that the group could be sponsored or supported by powerful individuals in East Africa.

A source in Eastern Congo who asked not to be exposed told this news website that this rebel group could have been responsible for the recent assassinations of UN peacekeepers of MONUSCO from neighbouring Tanzania.

However a statement from Uganda’s army spokesman Brig Richard Karemire earlier indicated that on December 22 UPDF launched military air strike to flush out ADF rebels in Eastern Congo and on the border who had attacked Tanzanian UN peacekeepers.

Karemire added that eight ADF camps were successfully attacked, killing hundreds of rebels and those who survived are roaming in the jungles of Kivu as Congo army pursues hunt.

Brig Karemire said UPDF continues to tighten security to protect the country’s borderline.

Asked about the formation of the new rebel movement, Karemire told this website that he was unaware.

“I have not go such report. However,just to remind any doubting Thomases that the UPDF is always more than ready to deal decisively with whatever armed group that  threatens peace and security of our country,” he said.

A source inside Congo said the new army has a unique military fatigue,  mounted pick-ups, PKMs, RPGs and other sophisticated military hardware.

“It seems they are highly trained and they continue to recruit even the ADF,” a source said.

Adding that this unidentified movement has very few commandoes whose tactics are unmatched compared to ADF but shockingly it has been training even the ADF rebels to terrorise civilians in Congo and on the border.

However TrumpetNews couldn’t independently verify this information.

Efforts to reach officials in  Congo governemnt for a comment were futile by press time.

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