Uganda Cancer Institute has Tuesday unveiled the radiotherapy machine to the media and the public.
Speaking at the press briefing and tour organised at the Radiotherapy department, the Executive Director Uganda cancer Institute Jackson Orem thanked the various teams , authorities and countries that have worked together tirelessly to ensure that the services resume.
He commended the Government of Uganda for committing funds to purchase this machine and also renovate the bunker were the machine is housed.
Orem lauded UCI Management for ably handling the crisis stating that it’s one of those crisis that have been well handled and properly managed in the count, at large.

The parts of the machine reached the Uganda Cancer Institute premises on 16th August 2017 and on 17th August 2017, the machine was offloaded and unveiled to the public in the presence of the Atomic Energy Council, the governing body of Nuclear use in the Country.
Dr. Orem added that the process has taken long since all procedures as stated by IAEA were followed right from installation, testing, commissioning and training of users.
“UCI is working with the Atomic Energ Council on the licencing process and services will resume immediately after all legal procedures have been met,” said Orem.
He added that Radiotherapy treatment is one of the key treatments in cancer treatment and restoration of these services is going to bring a tremendous improvement of cancer care in this country.
He noted that this will not be the only teletherapy machine in the Country as the Institute is constructing six more bunkers to house four teletherapy machines and two brachytherapy machines.