Video: Minister Musumba assures NRM-my voters are against age limit removal

Minister of State for Lands, Housing and Urban Development Hon Isaac Isanga Musumba has reassured his constituents in Buzaaya County, Kamuli District that he will convey their anti-age limit removal message to his superiors in governemnt.

Over the weekend Musumba met with local party leaders in Buzaaya  at Nawanyago Technical Institute who voted against the impending removal of age limit for presidential candidates from the Constitution.

The consultation meeting that was meant to rally party loyalists to favour the impending amendment that is seen by a section of Ugandans as a ploy to pave way for President Yoweri Museveni, 73, to contest in 2021, however, turned rowdy when the party leaders in the area tried to bar some members of the public from accessing the venue.
If the Constitution is not amended, Museveni would not qualify to contest since the current age cap for presidential candidates is 75.

People who had been blocked threatened to join opposition parties since NRM had decided to “orphan” them.

“President Museveni went to the bush to fight dictators who were overstaying in power and promised to restore democracy. Now he is falling victim of his own fundamental change. He should build a legacy for the NRM Party,” Hamis Dheyongera, the Wankole NRM Councillor said.

A visibly calm and frightened Musumba then asked the people to give him chance to report to the party organs that his voters are against removal of age limit law.

A couple of NRM MPs have faced hostility as they attempt to consult the electorate on the controversial bill of amending the constitution.

Majority of the population claim that scrapping the age cap is a veiled move to pave way for President Museveni’s life presidency.

On Friday the NRM caucus resolved that it would consult the voters on this matter.

This bill remains a disputed issue that has sent shivers down the political spine of Uganda.

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