Teachers rescue Ibanda Woman MP as voters attempt to lynch her over age limit

Teachers of Ibanda Integrated Primary School on Thursday saved Hon Jovline Kalisa Kyomukama from a charged crowd while making consultations on age limit in her constituency.

Kalisa, a representative of Ibanda South, met voters at Integrated Primary School grounds and convinced them how they should support removal of age cap.

“The voters didn’t let her finish her speech. They grabbed the microphone as others lifted her from the podium. They told her if constitution is amended then she should remain in Kampala,” one of the teachers who rescued Kalisa told this website.

Her supporters took anger to a whatsapp group where she is a member, they still assured her that should NRM dare revisit the constitution she should forget being re-elected.

TrumpetNews intercepted some of the “toxic” whatsapp texts directed to the person of Kalisa.

Below we produced some of the unedited messages;

“Hon. Kariisa please, i know u understand the situation we are in as Ugandans. I was there phyisically when u were trying to make people understand issues of the constitution at intergreted  yesterday. Allow me tell u as my MP and your voter, if it was not to be teachers, u were going to face the music. But hopefully u took the signal. If still want to represent Ibanda in parliament, Tebagikwatako.. If they make a mistake and touch it in your support, then keep in kampala.”

” Enuf z enuf this z an announcement let nobody invite me to any ceremony wen she z also among da guests. Let it be Church, Mosque even if its a mass grave i can’t allow to be buried in da same grave wz sm one who z nt thinking about da future generation.”

“Hon karisa please tebagikwatako. Am Ur vote polling station is ssaza headquarters. If you do will have lost my voter and many people that I can influence. So plz don’t dare touch . thanx”

“Even they do this will be the fall of NRM party if they can be able to analyse the situation very well. If they are wise let them leave the constitution and they bring in someone, better.”

Parliament is currently in recess as MPs are in their constituencies to consult the electorate on scrapping age limit.

So far the perception a few legislators have got is that the population is against removal of this law.

It’s widely viewed that the move paves way for President Yoweri Museveni’s life presidency.

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