UCC sets tough conditions for live broadcast

UCC's Executive Director Godfrey Mutabazi (Centre) with other officials

The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has okayed live broadcast amid tough conditions for operators.

In a meeting on Thursday morning, UCC executive director, Godfrey Mutabazi announced that the ban had been lifted.

It should be noted that the decision by UCC comes three days to the 55th Independence Day celebrations.

Mutabazi said broadcasters particularly television are free to air live footage as long as they have pre-editing equipment in studios.

A pre-editing equipment delays content that is telecasted on air for 5 seconds.

“This helps a producer to edit toxic content that doesn’t fit the minimum standards,” Mutabazi said.

Mutabazi was surprised to learn that broadcasters in Uganda said they have this equipment at their stations.

Last week UCC issued a directive suspending live broadcast of the on going political debate on removal of age limit saying this was inciting violence.

The ban came against a backdrop of ugly incidents which occured in Parliament when opposition MPs launched an attack on their rival colleagues.

Mutabazi told TrumpetNews that the law permits the commission to halt live coverage under section 29 of UCC act.

“Before issuing license UCC shall take into account proof of adquate technical facilities in the studios,” the laws reads.

This law encompasses the above required minimum standard (pre-editing).

On whether UCC isn’t gagging the media through issuing suspensions, Mutabazi said UCC so far has linient guideline and to have a license is a privilege not a right.

“Those with a license should then act professionally and exercise proportionality,” he said.

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